Professional teeth whitening in Monroe Township, NJ is different compared with over-the-counter teeth whitening kits, pastes, and gels. First, over-the-counter products can be abrasive, harmful to your tooth enamel, and even lead to tooth sensitivity.
When you decide to whiten your teeth without the discretion of a dental professional, you also put your oral health at risk, including certain restorations.
When you decide to whiten your smile with us, your dentist in Monroe Township, NJ makes sure your teeth and gum health is optimal before starting treatment. Unfortunately, this doesn't happen when you whiten your smile on your own.
Additionally, you may not achieve even results with store-bought products, leaving you with varying hues across your smile.
Often patients tell us that they were disappointed with their results, specifically the store-bought product’s inability to lift away yellow or dark tooth stains.
With professional teeth whitening in Monroe Township, we use customized kits and prescription-strength gels. We also make sure your oral health is up to the task. We do not want you to experience uneven whitening, be disappointed, or be left with sensitive teeth.